Kids Money
If you give your kids money without the wisdom to handle it, it will be a curse on their lives.
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Kids Money
Out of all the shortcomings of our education system, there is one that has the most detrimental affect on the future of our children: The lack of a financial education.
It’s bizarre to me that something so central to the functioning of our civilization is overlooked in favor of topics such as chemistry, physics, philosophy etc. Disciplines that a vast majority of people will have very little to do with throughout their lives.
But guess what 100% of children will have to interact with, at some point, nearly everyday of their lives? Money.
On one hand, it seems like the omission of financial education is on purpose. It can so easily be incorporated into the math curriculum. On the other hand, do I really want the government teaching my children about money? They screw everything else up, what makes me think they wouldn’t screw this up….
This is why it’s up to us parents to ensure that our children are prepared for the world of money. Supporting parents in this endeavor is one of our top priorities here at Adaptable Wealth.
In our Kids Money Resources below, you can find ideas about how to talk to your kids about money, how to incorporate your children’s financial education into your everyday life as well as low or no cost activities so your children can actually interact with money. Better yet, you may learn something as well.
Ranging from toddlers to teenagers and even adults, it is never too early or too late to start learning about money. As soon as they see you interacting with anything involving money and they ask what you’re doing, we should be teaching them about this important topic.
Kids Money Resources
Our Mission
Whether you love or hate money, or somewhere in between, money influences nearly every part of life. Because of this, the ability to spend less than you make and then multiply it is vital to living life on your terms.
However, wealth is about much more than money. It’s about total wellbeing and enjoyment of the short life we all have. It’s about health, happiness, purpose and prosperity. It’s about having an abundance of time to spend with those you love, doing what you love, when you want and how you want.
That is our reason for getting out of bed every morning! Our purpose is to give you the knowledge, ideas and tools to take the steps towards your goals and put you in a position of freedom and power. Power over yourself.
So join us in taking back the concept of wealth from those who have bastardized it to focus only on money and material possessions. They are only a part of true wealth. An important part, but a part none the less.