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Leif Mullican

Leif is a 18 year financial services professional with expertise in finance, economics and financial/business analytics. His passions are his children, drums and healthy living. He started Adaptable Wealth to provide basic financial education while promoting a holistic view of wealth that includes your money, your health & your time. Too many people prioritize their money over their health & their time, & regret this decision once it's too late. You can reach out to him through LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube by clicking the social platform links listed throughout this post. You can also email him at

Outdoors & natural beauty benefits health

Health is Wealth: 12 ideas for a healthier YOU

Improving & maintaining your health is the most effective way to build & protect your wealth. Not only can good health lead to a happier, more connected and purposeful life, it has profound effects on financial wealth as well. Higher income & avoiding costly health care procedures and drugs will allow you to build more financial wealth and then keep it rather than spend it trying to regain your health in your golden years. Make this the year you realize that there is nothing more important to your wealth than your health with these 12 ways to improve your health.

investing in yourself - life long learning

Investing in Yourself for This Year and Beyond

Investing in a wide range of knowledge, skills and experiences makes you more adaptable to unexpected circumstances. It can help you quickly bounce back from a job loss, you’ll be able to spot and capitalize on opportunities of all sorts, but best of all, life long learning has been shown to fight off mental decline later in life. The most important thing you can understand about investing in yourself is that no one will do it for you. Without your actions, you will go nowhere. To help kickstart your thinking about how you want to invest in yourself, here are 10 skills that are important now and will continue to be in the future.

Profit Loss Risk

Beginners Guide to Investing: Risk & Return

The purpose of investing in financial assets is to grow your financial wealth at an adequate rate without taking too much risk. It’s a balancing act between your ability to withstand price volatility and losses, and realizing a high enough return to meet your financial goals. Take too much risk and it’s possible that you loose half or even all of your money. Take too little risk and it’s possible you don’t meet your financial goals. Join us for a deep dive into risk & return as it applies to financial wealth so you can become a better investor.